for, between, beside, like, inside, around, near, of, on, under, off, until, behind, to, through,
within, without, over, pass, along, among, following, against, from, outside, toward, beyond,
February 10 - March 10, 2024
Performance at 6 PM
The unwieldy list of prepositions that frames Downey’s show conjures a set of relational possibilities. Prepositions are, afterall, relationships – between verb and noun, subject and object, insides and outsides. Prepositions are directional, spatial, temporal, and determining – how close, how long, how far, how much, too far, and often too close, too much. Downey’s abstractions invite us to shift from the systematic to the interpersonal—from power over or under, to power with–and back again.
All images copyright Georgia Elrod 2024